As a child, my first foray into fantasy fiction was C.S.Lewis'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I was enchanted with the magical land of Narnia and the sacrificial love of Aslan the Lion for his kingdom. At the dawn of the new millenium, the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling had become the fantasy novels of choice for many young readers worldwide. The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as the novels recounting the adventures of the boy wizard Harry Potter, are filled magical, mysterious beings and main characters with daunting chalenges to meet, not unlike fairy tales.
However, these stories part ways with fairy tales in that the protagonists are modern day young people, as opposed to knights and princesses of yore. Modern fantasy fiction writing incorporates these elements:
Plot: The major events of the tale could NOT literally happen, in the world as we scientifically understand it.
Setting: The story is set realistically here on Earth in the relatively-up-to-date present time.
Create fantasy versions of realistic fiction or mysteries you've read. Perhaps Nancy Drew leaves River Heights for magical adventures and puts her sleuthing skills to good use in a fantasy context.
Update a fairy tale. Cinderella owns a cleaning service!
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