Creative Writing Ideas:

Creative Ideas for Writing Across the Curriculum

Creative writing ideas nestle in every subject! Integrated writing teaches skills of an integrated world, so read through these pages for ways to reinforce content areas with creative writing ideas!

Let's put on our press badges, grab our reporters' notebooks, and answer those essential "newspaper" questions about creative ideas for writing across the curriculum.

Who: Everyone! All students, from elementary-aged kids through teen-agers, need to clearly express their thoughts in writing, demonstrating their understanding of all subjects.

What: Creative writing across content is used in two ways:
  • to master distinct forms and conventions (science reports, business plans, historical research, etc.)
  • as a means to help students learn and retain content.
By looking at content-area assignments as creative writing assignments and applying creative writing techniques, you can teach the skills of expression and interaction, while reinforcing content area material in the process.

Why: Writing bridges the gap between teaching and demonstration of undestanding. Content area writing enhances not only writing abilities, but helps students comprehend, retain, and interact with subject area material.

Where: Everywhere! The math or history classroom, the science lab, the art studio, or the auditorium where the drama classes meet: these are all perfect environments for creative writing assignments.

When: Anytime! Writing is used to achieve a high level of learning in all content areas. Learning to write means writing to learn.

How: Five years from now, kids won't remember last Friday's tests, but they will remember the math assignment- and the corresponding skills- in which they made posters and explained graphing techniques while preparing marketing plans. They will remember the science assignment- and "big picture" concepts- in which they wrote persuasive letters to government representatives regarding ecological issues. They will remember the social studies assignment in which they wrote one-act scripts, interviews of influential persons in history.

An integrated curriculum of writing teaches the skills of an integrated world. By now, we've satisfied our reporter's inquisitiveness about creative writing across the content areas. Click on any of the links below for tips and suggestions to help you get started.

Enjoy the journey!

Writing Across the Curriculum Creative writing ideas, tips, and best practices!

Math Prompts Math writing prompts offer fabulous creative writing ideas!

Art Journaling Prompts Art journaling prompts keep writing skills polished!

Math Journals Math journals are where words and numbers meet and marry! Spice up the problem solving in daily math journals with creative writing ideas.

Science Writing Prompts Science writing prompts provide a powerful way to help students understand and apply scientific knowledge. Explore the intricacies of nature, earth, and space with writing prompts for science.

Health Education Lessons Health education lessons are a natural fit for creative writing ideas.

Journal Writing in Social Studies Easy tips for history writing prompts.

Lesson Plans:Environmental Education Try these tips for including creative writing within any environmental education lesson plan.

Character Education Writing Prompts Using character education writing prompts throughout humane, environmental, and moral education lessons can help kids develop empathy toward people, animals, and the earth.

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