Need Creative Writing Topics to Complement Your Literature Studies?
This page contains links to quick-and-easy ideas for creative writing topics based on literary genres, from fiction to fantasy, scripts to stories, and more.
A great composition program exposes kids to a range of genres by connecting favorite books to writing. What better way to capitalize on students'love of mysteries than to have them pen their own thrillers. Have you scheduled any science fiction or fantasy classics in your syllabus this year? Travel to a classroom full of multiverses when your kids plot their own mythical worlds! Polish off that biography study by composing autobiography and memoir pieces.

The following links contain open-ended response prompts, activity instructions, and genre-based composition ideas.
So, homeschooling moms and dads, pull that adventure classic from the bookcase! Classroom teachers, check your plan books for the upcoming literature unit! ESL/EFL instructors, outline your next theme cycle of study! Advisors to afterschool programs, select that novel!
Choose one of the links below to jump-start your genre studies with creative writing topics and activities.
Writing Poems
User-friendly tips and techniques for writing poems and developing study units. Don't be shy!
Using Biography in Creative Writing Biography studies sparkle and sizzle through creative writing! Here's how!
Autobiography Life histories are a great way to introduce creative writing projects in a first-person format.
Memoir Memoir pieces bring autobiography studies into tight focus. Weave this hands-on mini-project into your next autobiography unit.
Informational Reports Spice up presentations of informational reports by using creative writing formats. Interviews, skits, journals, antique maps, photo albums, comic strips, and more.
Writing Realistic Fiction Leap into writing realistic fiction by using the novels your students are currently reading. Your fiction writing lesson plans are a snap when designed as creative activities alongside any novel.
Writing Science Fiction Writing science fiction is a great companion activity to current science units. This page outlines my step-by-step process. Save it as a favorite in your science fiction writing resources.
Writing Historical Fiction Writing historical fiction enhances kids' unique interests. Assign historical fiction writing prompts instead of writing non fiction reports. A fiction writing tip: time machine tours!
Writing Mystery Stories Writing mystery stories with kids is one of the classroom's least writing mysteries! Au contaire! Writing a mystery story is one of the most enjoyable ways to improve writing skills!
Writing Fairy Tales Enjoy writing fairy tales? Writing fractured fairy tales, or funny, modern versions of old classics, is a delightful creative writing project! Follow this step-by-step process!
Writing Fables Writing fables teaches students to recognize and apply a predictable, concise narrative structure to original stories. Use this easy lesson plan for writing a fable!
Fantasy Fiction Writing Fantasy fiction writing is an excellent complement to reading today's modern fantasy novels. Get effective fantasy writing tips for writing fantasy fiction with your students!
Pourquoi Tales Pourquoi tales can be an amusing adventure in writing creatively across the curriculum! Discuss pourquoi characteristics and the elements of pourquoi, and then write your own.
American Tall Tales American tall tales are whoppers, indeed! Use Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, Mike Fink and other legendary heroes to write original tall tales.
How to Write a Myth Know how to write a myth? By teaching kids how to write myths, stories of ancient heroes make excellent creative writing topics! Write into a time before time began, a mythical realm of adventure!
How to Write a Legend Know how to write a legend? Capture your students' imaginations with legendary heroes, mythical beasts, and daring exploits as creative writing topics!
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